Tuesday 3 November 2015

National Pathology Week

Hello JRCS Scientists,

Pathology is a branch of Science which focuses on the analysis of tissues, organs and bodily fluids to diagnose a disease. There are many pathology specialities, some of them include chemical pathology, histopathology or medical microbiology. 2nd - 8th November is the National Pathology Week. The Royal College of Pathologists website offers loads of information about various events organised to celebrate pathology. At JRCS you will have a chance to complete a quiz during tutor time, learn more about pathology by watching a short film in SC3 at lunch (Wednesday, 4th November) and join the Science Ambassadors in the main street to find out more (Friday, 6th November).

 Science Ambassadors at work: here we were preparing the display about pathology

Science Ambassadors