Thursday 21 January 2016

The A-Z of Science - a poem

Hello JRCS Scientists! 

Today, with a great pleasure, we present to you a superb poem by our talented Emma Smith, which will give you a nice summary of what Science is all about.

"The A-Z of Science"

Alien life that’s yet to be discovered,
Biology that’s been uncovered.
Chemistry that makes up our life and plants,
Dinosaurs that roamed without the invention of jackets.
Evolution that’s part of our history,
Fossils which may still remain a mystery.
Genetics that decide who we are,
Hubble that can see things from afar.
Infectious diseases that can affect your health,
Jupiter where it rains diamonds and wealth.
Kew gardens that is a giant seed bank,
Lunar eclipse that leaves the sky blank.
Moon which circle around the world,
NASA that fly in circling curls.
Oceans that have yet to be explored,
Periodic table… but wait there’s more.
Quite a lot of stuff science plays a part in,
Reproduction… wait let’s just skip that.
Satellites that detect where you’re going,
Theories that scientists try to keep rowing.
Unbelievably cool science is,
Very fun experiments that can end in a wizz.
Wormholes that can take you somewhere else,
X-Rays that can be as small as a mouse.
You yourself, are a piece of science,
Zazzled you probably are right now.