Tuesday 17 May 2016

Study tips

Here are some useful tips on remembering all those useful facts for your exams:

Sticky Notes - Write some key terms to remember on sticky notes. Place these sticky notes in places where you know you will have to visit regularly such as: a wardrobe, a light switch or even just a door. This way when you see the question on an exam you can easily visualise the answer!

Study smarter not harder: The brain understands information better in small shorter sessions than one very long one. For example it's more effective to study for 30 minutes in 20 sessions over a period of time than to study for 10 hours in one day without a break.

A key for keywords: If you think of yourself as more of a visual learner, then adding a little picture can help you remember. Create your own key of drawings for example the rock cycle. With igneous rock you could draw a little volcano next to it so that you remember it's formed when magma or lava cool and solidify. Or with sedimentary rock  you could draw a wave (ocean) because these rocks are formed by weathering or erosion.

Past Papers: Firstly try to complete a past paper with the usual conditions (a time limit , NO internet etc.). After doing so look at the mark scheme. Once you have checked how many marks you have gotten then you can print out the mark scheme and highlight it. A mark scheme shows you how to structure an answer to get the highest amount of points so by highlighting it you see the area/s of your answers that need the most improvement.

Avoiding Distractions: If you easily get distracted by other websites (Instagram ,Youtube etc) when revising, then apps and programmes such as https://getcoldturkey.com/ (pc) and forest http://www.forestapp.cc/ can help. Get cold turkey lets you block specific websites or even the whole internet when you are revising and during revision time it's almost impossible to cancel until the time is up. Forest is a timer, when you start it a tree starts to grow but if you leave the app at any time then the tree will die! (unless you allow specific apps to be viewed). 

Here are some Youtube Channels and videos that might be helpful:
By Tia Debenham 9A